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United Kingdom
Company type
Company size
51-200 Employees
Founding year
True fibre broadband is known by many names, including Full Fibre, Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) or Fibre to the Home (FTTH). This means that fibre optic cabling is used from the local exchange, all the way to the end-user premises, no longer relying on older copper-based telephone lines. Full fibre is the future of broadband, a technology that is guaranteed to see users through the 2025 Switch Off and beyond. A purely fibre connection is capable of achieving gigabit speeds, making it the fastest broadband technology available today.

About YouFibre

We are a true full fibre broadband provider, supplying homes and businesses across the UK with ultrafast and ultra-affordable internet up to 10,000Mbps. Customer happiness is our number one priority, so our fantastic team of UK-based support agents
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